
10 June 2021, 13:00 to 19:00 BST

An afternoon of talks and conversations exploring how we define, grow and resource Imagination Infrastructuring, and the importance of collective imagination.

Collective and public imagining is a prerequisite for changing the world for the better, a world in which we may have become trapped in how we see, perceive and experience the world. This in turn affects our ability to collectively imagine. When we imagine together, we grow the capacity to practice and build alternatives to social, political, cultural and economic conditions. As we attempt to emerge from a year dominated by Covid-19, into a world characterised by a multitude of complex challenges, we need more than ever to ensure we are equipped to resource, grow and nurture collective and public imagination.

You can read a blog post that sets the context for this event here.

Those of you who use Twitter: we have compiled a list of the speakers, their organisations and some of the projects they discuss here. We're using #imaginfra if you'd like to join or track the conversation.

We're compiling a library of resources and references that you might find useful if you're designing any work in this space. It's a work-in-progress that will grow over the course of this event and beyond:

Imagination Infrastructuring Library

You can watch all of the sessions that took place on 10 June here:


Click on a session heading to find out more about the topic and the speakers.

13:00 Welcome

Speaker Cassie Robinson

13:10 Keynote

Speaker Ann Pendleton-Julian

13:35 What is Infrastructuring? And what is Imagination Infrastructuring?

Chair Farzana Khan Speakers Anab Jain, Deb Chachra, Indy Johar